Starting Baby Food Part 5: The Must Haves

We all know starting solids is a journey. No two journeys are the same and it's a time to explore and have fun with food. Another layer of complexity when starting solids is what you will need in the kitchen. We put together a list of our favorite kitchen tools for starting solids. 

1. Café Baby Solids Starter Pack

Overwhelmed at the idea of starting solids? Café Baby's Solids Starter Pack takes the guesswork out of starting solids. The pack includes 11 Spoonies purées and 1 Chewies purée, each served in a 6 oz., BPA-free container. Our Spoonies purées are a collection of what is considered best first foods for Baby and are puréed to the smoothest consistency. The purées can be stored in the freezer for up to four months and will stay in the refrigerator for 4-5 days - plenty of time to get through the Four Day Rule!

2. Grabease Ergonomic Fork and Spoon Set

Grabease utensils are designed to safely nurture independence in little ones ready to meet their self-feeding developmental milestone. The patented fork and spoon sets were the first utensils designed with babies independence in mind, and they come highly recommended by Occupational Therapists. The ergonomic handle fits comfortably in babies' natural hand grasp, making the hand-to-mouth motion easier! Using this set will also help strengthen their fingers while encouraging proper pencil grasp development (this will come in handy later).

3. ezpz Sectioned Plates

Ezpz’s sectioned plates are a great mealtime solution for both infants and travel. The mats are an all-in-one placemat + plate that suctions to the table. The mat’s stable base reduces tipped bowls / plates and helps infants and toddlers learn to self-feed.

4. Feeding Journey Dry Erase Cards

We all love photo ops for Baby, especially when it's time to record their reaction to a certain food. Home Sweet Meow's Dry Erase Cards lets you write which food Baby tried, what they thought and what food is next. Have these stashed in the drawer for next time Baby puckers up!

5. Bandana Bib

We all love cute prints, especially bibs. Three + Me Creations is a family-owned business that passionately creates unique handmade items. They strongly believe in handcrafting their items with quality and care and create unique designs that combine style and simplicity for your little ones! You won't want to miss their adorable prints! 

Read: Starting Baby Food Part 6: Your Questions Answered by a Physician